Vibrate to the sound of Divercities


  • our capsules : selections made by humans for humans!
  • our composed radios, by moods and genres.

All for Metal, Vol. 5

Rhapsody Of Fire, Lordi, Ross the Boss, Danzig, The New Black, Ethernity, Borealis, Masterplan, Iron Savior, Triosphere, Oz, Burning Point, Gothminister, Mors Principium Est, We Butter The Bread With Butter, Orden Ogan, Gus G., Leaves' Eyes, Evergrey, Serious Black, U.D.O., Danko Jones, Dead City Ruins, Voodoo Circle, Herman Frank, Nocturnal Rites, Brainstorm, Flotsam and Jetsam, Kryptos, Manimal, Thunderstone, Communic, Crystal Viper, Bloodbound, Sinner, Elvenking, Kissin' Dynamite, J.B.O., Bonfire, Shakra, Nightmare, Pyogenesis, Asenblut, Ektomorf, Emil Bulls, Armored Dawn, Stahlmann, Letzte Instanz

2018, AFM Records - 48 titres

