Vibrate to the sound of Divercities


  • our capsules : selections made by humans for humans!
  • our composed radios, by moods and genres.

RAP en France

Sniper, Medine, Soprano, Youssoupha, Canardo, Mac Tyer, Mister You, Fababy, Zesau, Nessbeal, Sofiane, Sinik, Booba, Specta, Pejmaxx, Sixième Sens, Frer 200, Lamine o mic, Stereo Neg', Six Coups MC, VR, shone, Abis, Brasco, Aketo, Le Rat Luciano, Alibi Montana, Sexion d'assaut, Ibrah, Mino, Stone Black, La Fouine, Polemic, Chadness, Lim, Dawa O Mic, Ziefta, Corbo, Wadi, Dany Dan, Kill Foster, Costello, Sefyu, Busta Flex, Alpha 5.20, Alcide H, Jaeyez, Larsen

2012, KassDED - 25 titres

