Vibrate to the sound of Divercities


  • our capsules : selections made by humans for humans!
  • our composed radios, by moods and genres.

La farandole des percussions

Fred Roozendaal, Les Troubadours, Munn and Felton's (Footwear) Band, Dick Schory, The Sammy Herman Sextet, Harry Breuer & His Quintet, Bobby Christian, Felix Slatkin, David Carroll and His Orchestra, Bob Sharples, Harry Robinson Crew, The New York Percussion Trio, Les Sipolo, Toki Horvath, Banda de la Puzsta Hongroise, Gregor Serban, Appenzeller Hackbrett, Ländlerkapelle Jakob Alder, The Engel Family, Arturo Ramirez, Les Marimbas du Guatemala, André Popp, Fantastic Percussion

2014, Marianne Melodie - 50 titres

