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La Caution


Founded in the middle of the 90's, La Caution is french rap duo from Noisy le Sec, Hi-Tekk and Nikkfurie, two brothers of Morrocan origins with a biting flow which has been idolized in the same "vein" of Cannibal Ox. Joined by DJ Fab, in 1999, they release their first 12" on the label Assassin Productions, and in 2000/2001, they perform the 1st parts of the label founders (Assassin). Then, they create their own label, Kerozen Music, with Mouloud, C-real, and Dinh, in which they release their projects. You might even already know of one of 'em, Nikkfurie (the producer brother): his track was the crazy disco laserlight b-boy anthem to that one scene in Oceans 12.

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La Caution